Ariel Sanmartín Méndez

Independent Director

With a strong and distinguished academic background and a long successful professional career, started as a Chemical Engineer (The Ohio state University 1983) working in top management and leadership positions at global companies such as Texaco, Griffith, Sun Chemical, Exxon Chemical, among others. Then with a Master in Business Economics (INCAE, Valedictorian 1990) and a Master and PhD (Candidate) in Development Economics (The Ohio state University 2012), and advanced studies at Harvard Business School and at Frankfurt Finance Academy, switched to retail, fast food, commercial, logistics, advertising and banking industries, as Executive Vice President of Franquicias Panameñas, CEO of Cerebro Young & Rubicam, Executive Vice President of Citibank and Banco Continental, CEO of Banco Delta, President of APC Credit Bureau, Independent Director of Banco G&T Continental, Senior Economist at ACP (Panama Canal), CEO of Atlas Bank (Clearing and Settlement), Reorganizer and CEO of Balboa Bank & Trust (Superintendency of Banks) and Balboa Securities (Superintendency of Securities Market).  As Chief Strategist and Certified Consultant for Creating Shared Value, has been CEO, Director, Advisor and Strategic Consultant for regulators, banks, fintech, insurtech, paytech, green and blue economy local and global companies, multilateral banks such as BID. Board of Directors of Vital Voices Panama. Founder, Co-Author and Guitarist of Santos Diablos Latin Rock Band.